Monday, July 16, 2007


on friday at 7:30pm we decide, fuck it, let's go to reno. 2 1/2 hours later i'm eating greasy fish n chips at circus circus across from a 60 year old bald guy from seattle and his sunglassed, ukrainian counterpart.
"you winnin' or losin'?" he smalltalks.
"just got here" we reply.
"i'm up $130. that'll pay for our wedding tomorrow. she's from ukraine."
"she's never seen a $100 bill before."
the waitress comes and he orders booze for both of them. it takes some persuading: the ukrainian is obvioulsy way past drunk.
"she's never seen so many cars before. in russia, everyone takes the bus."
"gas is expensive over there," i say, trying desperately to convince myself this is a normal conversation so as not to make bizarro faces.
"well, it's only a dollar more," he says. "you ordered too much food. you're never going to eat all that. you'll have to take it to your room. she can't get enough of that $100 bill, man!"

welcome to civilization! where ukraine = russia, there's no public transportation and everyone's married to a crotchbat who never stops talking. the strangest part for her must have been being introduced to america at circus circus in reno. rarely have i seen such a dazzling juxtaposition of neon, taz shirts, small children, mustaches and prostitutes.

i was down $60 that night but up $200 the next day, which paid for the trip.

reno, baby. reno.