Tuesday, October 04, 2005

on DeLay

the republicans are buried so far inside shit mountain they're cock-deep in the hemorrhoidal lava. the problem, as always, is that democrats are led by a bumbling junior-corps of invertibrate dongs-on-the-take.

despite all the hew-hawing about how similar the two parties are, we have a fundamental difference between the party strucutres - the republicans spent forty years building a massive power base of robust fundraisers, lobbyists, think tanks, and a giant echo chamber starring their very own news network, like one big-ass pyramid full of obsese, rich shit-wads.

during the same time, the democrats let theirs disintegrate and relied on the charisma and wit of whomever happened to be the man of the hour - thus gore and kerry were utterly worthless, even if bill clinton made it work (even the blind sow finds an acorn every once in a while). so the democrats are like one smaller, upside-down pyramid balanced on the backs of whining pricks. it is this frailty that allows for easy application of the 'flip-flopping' charicature. without your fundamental values outlined and backed up by think tank publications and persuasive-if-full-of-shit pundits, what have you got? your pyramid is upside down. you are the whining prick.

thus, whereas a scandal of DeLay's caliber would devastate democrats for a decade, thomas himself is really more of a figurehead that can be replaced. roy blount, his 'temporary' successor, reportedly already holds the reins to the lobbying juggernaut DeLay built. Tom's real contribution was the work he already did laying those myriad machine cogs. if and when he falls, someone else can and will take over. it will certainly hurt them but if they play their cards right, it will have a negligible effect in the long-term.

that is of course unless we can find a democrat with both proverbial testicles firmly connected to a strapping, disease-free vas deferens... still looking!

the good part is it's cascading down upon all of us with all this other shit like some colossal wave of stinking chum - the cronyism that mike brown and harriet miers have exposed, the herculean failure of that bullshit social security plan, the ever more obvious kowtowing to the rich, etc. because sooner or later, even the deaf, dumb and olfactory-deprived get pissed off about sitting in chum all day.

(disclaimer: this entry included excerpts from a letter to candycane sampson)