Friday, September 29, 2006

shaped like a mitten, cold like a cowboy

ahoy children of israel! i bring great news from the north.

a lie. i have no news. but the bloggery beckons el vaquero frio nevertheless to his innumerable adoring digital fans.

i love you all. alas! you know not how bone-chillingly high my secret hit-counter for this site has risen! rest assured: bone-chillingly high.

know this:

  • michigan is cold and they have a large football stadium.

  • the construction workers who've been painting my house for a month play strictly pop country hits starting at 8:30am

  • when the football team plays, energy drinks and chewing tobaccos sponsor frat house tailgating parties.

  • i still like ann arbor.

  • there are a billion record stores.

  • it's lots of work

  • but better than actual work

  • calculus is my favorite class

  • if i was a crazy man, i would ride a pony-on-a-stick always.

  • i will try to post real things when real things happen.

  • not that they haven't

  • i'm just lazy again, and it's marvelous

  • as an added treat just for you, i have written a tlcnet-style angst poem about graduate school:

    Softly have they hewn,
    the names of the sweater-clad tenured ones,
    their studies,
    their research methods,
    their aclu donation receipts,
    their beards,
    their contempt for the cell phone,
    their memorized seating charts,
    their powerpoint presentations,
    their poopy journals;

    Softly have they hewn,
    hewn them into the living skulls of the admitted,
    like so many squealing, teething, milk-hungry tiger cubs,
    fed daily on the lactose of their homogenized,
    pasteurized brain feculence,
    corking each precious fang

    did you like my poem? i love you.